Inclusive education
Scientific research shows that an inclusive school is the basis for an inclusive civil society that embraces diversity. Luxembourg, by ratifying the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its additional protocol in 2011, is committed to upholding the human rights and freedoms of people with disabilities. However, the concept is still being debated. If we want the participation of pupils with special needs to become a matter of course, we need to remove some major barriers. To do this, we need to change the way we look at differences, guarantee accessibility, reduce uncertainty and prepare all those involved for the challenges of heterogeneity.
Following an initial research project, in cooperation with UCLouvain, examining the effectiveness of inclusive education in Luxembourg’s public schools – with the thematic report set to be published in 2023 – there are plans to expand the scope of the theme to encompass the non-formal education structures that have an impact on children and young people, considering the circumstances of those with special needs.
Observer in charge
Projects in the priority area
Université Catholique de Louvain