35th ADMEE conference in Braga, Portugal
The 35th conference of ADMEE (Association for the Development of Evaluation Methodologies in Education) was held in Braga from 24 to 26 January 2024, addressing the theme of “Evaluation facing the challenges of diversity and inclusion: between norms and differentiation”. This conference took a close look at the persistent tensions between educational standards and the growing need for differentiation in order to respond to the diversity of learners. A delegation from the OEJQS was privileged to take part, gathering new ideas and assessment models crucial to enriching our future work.
The conference was structured around four key themes. The first axis, focusing on “Assessment of learning in an inclusive approach”, took a close look at how assessment can be differentiated and inclusive. The second axis focused on “The evaluation of education and training systems and policies”, exploring the complexity of evaluation in the context of education policies. The third theme, ‘Evaluation in contexts of professional development’, highlighted the importance of differentiation in the evaluation of teachers’ professional development. Finally, the fourth theme dealt with ‘Evaluation training in education’, highlighting the importance of in-service teacher training in evaluation.
The 36th ADMEE conference is scheduled to take place in Luxembourg from 8 to 10 January 2025 at the University of Luxembourg in Esch-sur-Alzette/Belval, on the subject of “Paradoxes of innovation in evaluation in the 21st century”.