Objectives and missions
The Observatoire national de l’enfance, de la jeunesse et de la qualité scolaire (OEJQS) is established by the law of March 16, 2022 (which amends the law of March 13, 2018). The OEJQS is an institution placed under the authority of the Minister of National Education, Children and Youth. However, the OEJQS is independent concerning the choice of its observation tools, the findings resulting from its research or observations and the recommendations issued in its reports.
The three missions of the OEJQS, as defined by law, are :
- analysis of the situation of children and young people in Luxembourg, based on a global approach, centered on the child or young person and based on the rights of the child;
- an assessment of the systems that have an impact on them, primarily in the socio-educational field or in other fields relating to children and young people;
- the systemic evaluation of the quality of teaching provided in the education system, in order to promote the development of school quality in Luxembourg.
To fulfill its missions, the OEJQS may conduct, initiate, prepare or coordinate surveys, analyses, studies and issue opinions on the various aspects of the situation of children and young people and school quality. It can collect and synthesize existing data on children and young people.
The OEJQS can analyze studies and the results of national, regional or international evaluations relating to education and the situation of children. Likewise, the OEJQSy may analyze and evaluate facts relating to the situation of children and young people in Luxembourg and the systems that affect them, respectively analyze the organization and operation of schools, their management and the services of the Minister’s department responsible for education.
In addition, as part of their mission, observers can meet with children and young people, pupils, students, parents, socio-educational professionals, teachers, institution managers, national youth and parent representatives, representatives of local authorities and ministries, researchers, professional chambers, etc. Exploratory visits to children’s and young people’s services, as well as attendance at teaching courses and student learning situations, complete the OEJQS’ missions.