Report based on indicators 25.10.2024

Analysis of pupils’ educational and career trajectories using indicators (French)

For the OEJQS, this new report is an opportunity to apply its framework for assessing school quality and to demonstrate the value of indicators in the overall evaluation of the school system. By using indicators, the OEJQS relies on empirical data that is as robust, valid and reliable as possible to determine whether schools are fulfilling their mission or whether efforts are needed to improve situations deemed unsatisfactory. These indicators provide an insight into the quality of the school system at a given point in time, enabling policy-makers to make informed decisions.

The report focuses exclusively on indicators relating to the pupils’ educational and career trajectories. This focus was chosen due to the relatively high availability and abundance of data for this group of indicators.

Quoting the publication

OEJQS. (2024). Analyse du parcours scolaire des élèves à l’aide d’indicateurs. Walferdange : Observatoire national de l’enfance, de la jeunesse et de la qualité scolaire, 32 p.