School quality

Evaluation Hausaufgabenhëllef

With the start of the 2022-2023 school year, the MENJE has launched a specific homework help concept (“Hausaufgabenhëllef”) for all Education and Care Services (SEA) and Parental Assistants (AP) that take in schoolchildren.

At the request of the MENJE, the ‘Hausaufgabenhëllef’ scheme will be evaluated by the Observatoire de l’enfance, de la jeunesse et de la qualité scolaire to ensure that it

  • it is a quality offer,
  • that all children can benefit from this offer.

The assessment targets the following criteria:

  • Effectiveness: has the implementation of the project benefited (or will it benefit) the intended beneficiaries?
  • Impact: what are the direct or indirect effects of the project?

Project team



  • Université du Luxembourg (UL)
